



Amb. Soon-Young Hong called for strengthening emissions controls without jeopardizing the needs of developing countries. SAMOA: Amb. Tuiloma Slade, on behalf of AOSIS, said the COP must strengthen existing commitments and extend the legal framework of the Convention beyond 2000. COTE D’IVOIRE: Lancine Gon Couibaly, Minister of the Environment and Tourism, said his country is working with the US to establish a GHG emissions inventory.


Denis R. Norman, Minister of Transport and Energy, said there is a need for additional commitments without shifting them to developing countries. MALTA: Minister of the Environment Dr. Stanley Zammit called for a protocol by 1997. JI is a potentially important instrument but should not become a loophole to avoid commitments.


Maria Rauch-Kallat, Federal Minister for Environmental Affairs, supported negotiation of a protocol that includes targets and timetables for all GHGs. Austria cannot support JI credits for constructing nuclear power plants. MARSHALL ISLANDS: Tom D. Kijiner, Minister of Health and the Environment, said the main issue is the survival of his country. He expressed resentment toward countries who have been working to undermine the Convention. FIJI: Jonetani Kaukimoce, Minister for Housing, Urban Development and the Environment, called on delegates to move from ‘verbal gymnastics’ to concrete action.


Tseliso Makhakhe, Minister of Natural Resources, called for initiation of programmes between developed and developing countries aimed at capacity building. THE GAMBIA: Sulaymman Samba, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, said developed countries must take the lead by reducing emissions and providing resources. JI should support sustainable development of developing countries.


Justus T. N. Sabari, Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, said developing countries should assume no new commitments until developed countries meet theirs. VANUATU: Edward Tambisari, Minister for Health, said developed countries should share the greater burden of abatement in accordance with their level of development.


Cipriano Cassama, Secretary of State for the Environment, said that international cooperation must be the foundation for sustainable development. Guinea Bissau will take an active part in the future work of the COP. GUINEA: Dorank Assifat Diasseny, Minister of Energy and the Environment, appealed for the mobilization of all Parties so that future generations will be proud. Industrialized countries must show international solidarity. IRELAND: Brendan Howlin, Minister for the Environment, stressed the development of alternative energy sources. CZECH REPUBLIC: Frantisek Benda, Minister of the Environment, supported international cooperation and said JI could produce implementation policies and measures.


Kamal Nath, Minister for the Environment, rejected the ‘insidious moves’ to divide the developing countries into separate categories. India is willing to accept a JI pilot phase with no credits if it is not an excuse to continue present consumption patterns. BOLIVIA: Oscar Paz Rada, Representative of the Minister for Sustainable Development, said it is vitally important that developed countries reduce emissions and that technology transfer provisions be implemented. CHINA: Chen Yao Bang, Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee, said that China has set up a special body for the Convention’s implementation. He called on developed countries to fulfill their commitments, including provision of financial resources.


Mans Lonroth, Under-Secretary of State for the Environment, said Swedish CO2 emissions have been reduced by 40% through energy efficiency. GREECE: Elissavet Papazoi, Deputy Minister of Environment Physical Planning and Public Works, stressed the need for a breakthrough in the development of renewable energies. BOTSWANA: Margaret Nasha, Ministry of Local Governments, Lands and Housing appealed to the COP to negotiate a protocol.


Dr. Evans O. A. Aina, Federal Environment Protection Agency, urged the COP to recognize the link between climate change and the control of drought and desertification. THAILAND: Suwat Liptapanlob, Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment, stressed the need for environmentally sound technology and financial resources. He supported JI without credits during the pilot phase.


Amb. M’Bailaou Naimbaye Lossimian called on developed countries to accelerate the transfer of technology and financial resources to developing countries. CUBA: Dr. Carlos Gomez, Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, said there cannot be any conditionality for receiving financial resources or technology. SOLOMON ISLANDS: Amb. Rex Horoi said current commitments are inadequate and international community must take additional steps.


Thomas Bucher, Minister for the Environment, emphasized the need for balancing environmental and economic concerns and promoting renewable energy resources. He appealed to the COP to establish a mandate for a protocol. MONGOLIA: Damdin Dagvadorj, Ministry of Nature and the Environment, said Mongolia has implemented measures to lower emissions, but needs more efficient energy technology. BENIN:Jean-Roger Ahoyo, Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Development, said measures taken to combat climate change can develop ‘genuine synergy’ if taken alongside measures to eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable development. PAKISTAN: Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, supported AOSIS and urged immediate action to curtail emissions. He proposed a system of tradeable emissions permits based on population.


Amb. Asko Numminen said we have to implement more effective policies and called for negotiation of a protocol with concrete measures after 2000. SRI LANKA: Reggie Ranatunga, Deputy Minister of Transport, the Environment and Women’s Affairs, said Convention implementation is necessary at the local and regional levels. ESTONIA: Prime Minister Andreas Tarand said that climate change in the Baltic States will cause increases in precipitation in the west and drought in the east, leading to increased migration. Estonia is completing a long-term energy reduction plan.


Isaac Figir, Congress, said that developed countries cannot continue their polluting practices to maintain their standards of living. ROMANIA: Aurel Constantin Ilie, Minister of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection, said Romania is modernizing technologies to reduce GHG emissions. The cost must be supported by those responsible for climate change. LATVIA: Indulis Emsis, State Minister for the Environment, called for increased commitments for developed countries, adding that Latvia cannot accept new commitments.


Josef Zlocha, Minister of the Environment, stated that the Slovak Republic has set a target of 20% reduction of 1988 levels by 2005. ITALY: Emilio Gerelli, Vice-Minister of the Environment, said Italy has achieved 80- 85% of its stabilization goal. He supported a protocol by 1997.


Donald Mills, Special Adviser on International Environmental Matters, expressed serious concern at the reluctance of some to take necessary action. KUWAIT: Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Muhailan, Minister of Health, said decisions should not rush forward but be on solid scientific foundations. Kuwait has supported steady steps that may seem limited to some, and has supported the countries most subject to harm from economic and social consequences. UZBEKISTAN: Victor E. Chub, Chief of Glavgidromet, reviewed problems associated with desertification in Uzbekistan.


Dr. Katalin Szili, Secretary of State for the Environment, said the precautionary principle should be the governing factor in strengthening the commitments under the Convention. BAHRAIN: Amb. Ahmad Abbas Ahmad said the implementation of precautionary measures should not negatively affect economies of developing countries, especially those based on fossil fuel exports. TUNISIA: Mohamed Hedi Mlika, Minister of the Environment and Land Management, said that many countries and regions are vulnerable to climate change. Africa needs financial support to implement the Convention.


Noureddine Benomar Alami, Minister of the Environment, said that negotiations between developing and developed countries for technology transfer must continue. He supported adoption of a protocol. COLOMBIA: Dr. Ernesto Guhl Nannetti, Vice-Minister of the Environment, stated that Colombia has assumed its commitments, but developed countries seem unable to see the long-term implications of their actions. BANGLADESH: Syed Amirul Mulk, Ministry of the Environment and Forests, said that Bangladesh contributes little to GHG emissions, but will have to pay a great price.


Georgi Georgiev, Minister for the Environment, announced that Bulgaria ratified the Convention on 16 March 1995, and is undertaking a study to enable it to reduce GHG emissions to 1988 levels. COSTA RICA: Dr. Alvaro Umana, Chairman of the Presidential Climate Change Committee, supported joint action with developed countries. Costa Rica has already developed projects for evaluation by the international community. URUGUAY: Juan Chiruchi, Minister of Housing, Territorial Regulations and the Environment, said the Convention is the appropriate instrument for monitoring human activities that contribute to climate change.


Ismail Shafeeu, Minister of Planning, Human Resource and the Environment, endorsed the AOSIS protocol. Developing countries cannot accept further commitments until technology transfer and financial assistance are available. UGANDA: Besueri K.L. Mulondo, Minister of State for Natural Resources, cautioned that JI could shift the responsibilities from developed to developing countries.


Dr. Bernardo Pedro Ferraz, Minister for Coordination of Environmental Affairs, supported a JI pilot phase. PORTUGAL: Teresa Gouveia, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, stressed incorporation of environmental concerns in national development plans. SYRIA: Minister of State for the Environment Abdelhamid Al-Munajed said Parties have a duty to adopt precautionary measures. Developed countries need to provide technology and funds.


Abdulbar Algain, President of the Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration, said the Convention should not impede progress by considering emissions reductions. Reductions would require impossible energy efficiency, intolerable investment levels and limited growth. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Martin Gbafolo, Minister of Waters, Forests, Hunting, Fishing, Tourism and the Environment, said development is the priority in Africa. CAR is a real sink for CO2 emissions. MALI: Mohamed Ag Erlaf, Minister of Public Works and Transport, said Mali has only minor CO2 emissions and no important sinks. He suggested moving the Desertification Convention secretariat to Bonn.


Amb. Durgesh Man Singh said the solution to climate change lies in global partnership. All Parties must act so that future generations will not suffer. PERU: Amb. Luis Silva Santisteban said a mandate for a protocol was needed. He said a pilot phase for JI should be launched and added that the Convention needs the cooperation of developed countries.


Amb. Jorge Berguno stated that while the Conference has produced solid steps forward, much remains to be done. He supported a JI pilot phase. CROATIA: Vladimir Krtalic, Deputy Minister of Physical Planning, Building and Housing, stated that Croatia receives more pollution than it generates. However, Croatia will commit itself to the Convention to the extent possible. SLOVENIA: Dr. Pavel Gantar, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, said a response to climate change should be developed as soon as possible.


Yao Dao Felli, Minister of Rural Development, Environment and Tourism, said countries must seek solutions to avoid environmental Armageddon. Africa must be helped by avoiding technology transfer harmful for its development. MONACO: Amb. Bernard Fautrier said Monaco will reduce emissions to 1990 levels or lower by 2000. Monaco is meeting its commitments, but because 20% of its territory is at sea level, it appreciates the need for international action.


The final meeting of the COW took place at 9:30 pm to adopt a number of decisions, including FCCC/CP/1995/L.13 on activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase; FCCC/CP/1995/L.12 on the location of the Permanent Secretariat in Bonn; and FCCC/CP/1995/L.10 on transfer of technology. Brazil noted that it had made major concessions and the COP should look carefully at activities implemented jointly whenever they involve Annex I and non-Annex I countries. Claiming credit for cooperation is something that runs the risk of destroying the concept that countries are responsible for their national emissions. The Chair forwarded a number of documents related to the budget to the drafting group on budget to consider when it met at 10:30 pm. The Executive Secretary also noted that the budget figures will be revised since the Secretariat will be in Bonn.



The Plenary is scheduled to meet from 11:00 am -1:00 pm and again from 3:00 - 6:00 pm. There is a possibility that the morning meeting may be canceled if documentation is not complete or if more time is needed for consultations following Thursday night’s 11:00 pm ministerial meeting on the adequacy of commitments.
