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Command Line Zen

Table of Contents

Command line tips and tricks. Contributions are welcome: just fork the file and submit a pull request.

Find and replace across multiple files

1. Use sed

sed -i 's/foo/foo_bar/g' *.html

2. Use the old perl hack

perl -w -pi~ -e 's/foo/bar/' [files]

Notes: -p: loop; -i edit files in place (backup with extension if supplied); -w enable warnings.

Combining with find

Combining either (1) or (2) with find is pretty powerful. E.g. to do a find and replace on all html files in all subdirectories:

perl -w -pi -e 's/foo/bar/' `find <path> -name '*.html'`

 find -L ${directory} -type l

 # remove the broken links
 find -L ${directory} -type l -print0 | xargs -0 rm

Bulk rename files

For example to change files recursively with extension mkd to rst:

find . -name "*.mkd" | sed "s/\(.*\).mkd/mv \1.mkd \1.rst/g" | sh

A simple loop can be used to target only the working directory:

# rename .log files in the working directory to .bak
for j in *.log; do mv -- "$j" "${j%.log}.bak"; done

Similarly, we can target directories recursively with a loop without including the working directory:

# rename .log files recursively (skipping the working directory) to .bak
for j in **/*.log; do mv -- "$j" "${j%.log}.bak"; done

Count number of files in directories

In a single directory:

ls -l | wc -l

In all subdirectories of a given directory:

find . -type f | wc -l

Working with sed

Delete a range of lines

# remove from 3rd line to the end of the file
sed '3,$d' filepath

Delete the first or nth line of a file

# first line
sed '1d' filepath

# last line
sed '$d'  filepath

# 10th line ...
sed '10d' filepath

# remove 7-12th line
sed '7,12d' filepath

Deleting lines matching a pattern in a given file

# the flag "d" is added to specify the operation
# (the output appears, the file remains intact)
sed '/pattern/d' filepath

# to modify the file in place, add the "-i" flag
sed -i '/pattern/d' filepath

# same as previous command, but case insensitive
sed -i '/pattern/Id' filepath

Extract every nth line of a file

Extract every 4th line starting at line 0:

sed -n '0~4p' filepath

Replacing occurrences of a pattern

# replace 'pattern' with 'new_pattern' when it appears for the
# second time ('2' is the 'nth' occurrence desired)
sed 's/pattern/new_pattern/2' filepath

# same as the previous command, but replace greedily the following
# occurrences up to the end of the line by adding the 'g' flag,
# starting from the 'nth' occurrence
sed 's/pattern/new_pattern/2g' filepath

# we can accomplish the same as above, limiting instead our search
# to a range of lines in the file
# (here, from line 3 to the end of the file)
sed '3,$ s/pattern/new_pattern/' filepath


# does not seem to auto-detect file type w/o prompting
s3cmd put --guess-mime-type --acl-public *.css s3://your-bucket/your-dir/


curl is awesome. It connects Unix command line Zen with the wide open world of the Internet.

Piping uploads

This is pretty cool…

curl | curl -T -

The -T option is very powerful - here’s the man page section in its entirety:

 -T/--upload-file <file>

    This transfers the specified local file to the  remote  URL.  If
    there is no file part in the specified URL, Curl will append the
    local file name. NOTE that you must use a trailing / on the last
    directory  to really prove to Curl that there is no file name or
    curl will think that your last directory name is the remote file
    name to use. That will most likely cause the upload operation to
    fail. If this is used on a HTTP(S) server, the PUT command  will
    be used.

    Use  the file name "-" (a single dash) to use stdin instead of a
    given file.  Alternately, the file name "."  (a  single  period)
    may  be  specified  instead  of "-" to use stdin in non-blocking
    mode to  allow  reading  server  output  while  stdin  is  being

    You can specify one -T for each URL on the command line. Each -T
    + URL pair specifies what to upload and to where. curl also sup‐
    ports "globbing" of the -T argument, meaning that you can upload
    multiple files to a single URL by using the  same  URL  globbing
    style supported in the URL, like this:

    curl -T "{file1,file2}"

    or even

    curl -T "img[1-1000].png"

convert - ImageMagick

Change background colour

# make the given colour (e.g. here white) transparent
convert -transparent white {in} {out}

# make transparent white
convert -fill white -opaque none {in} {out}

Convert to black and white

convert -type Grayscale {in} {out}
convert -monochrome {in} {out}

Invert colours

convert -negate in out

Make square (for thumbnailing)

convert -background transparent -gravity center -extent 145x145 file1 file2

Optimizing images

To save disk space and make files quicker to load on the web, the following commands will prove very useful (originally from this Gist).

# Optimize all PNG images recursively
# Print the name of the file being processed
find . -name "*.png" -exec convert "{}" -strip "{}" \; -exec echo "{}" \;

# Optimize all JPEG images recursively
find . -name "*.jpg" -exec convert "{}" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip \
-quality 85 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB "{}" \; -exec echo "{}" \;

The gains, especially for JPEG images, can be quite substantial: the file size can be halved while keeping 85% of the original quality.

Removing edges

convert provides a somewhat overwhelming number of ways to do this including chop, crop and more. The preferred method, I think, is crop.

Remove top 10px of an image:

convert -crop +0+10 +repage {in} {out}

Remove right 10px of an image:

convert -crop -10+0 +repage {in} {out}

Remove bottom 10px of an image:

convert -crop +0-10 +repage {in} {out}

Remove left 10px of an image:

convert -crop +10+0 +repage {in} {out}


convert -rotate {degrees} {in} {out}

Scale image

convert -scale 10% {in} {out}


Stash working copy changes

  1. Use shelve extension

  2. Use Mercurial Queues (MQ)

    # -f needed as we have local changes
    hg qnew -f patch
    hg qpop

    # later
    hg import --no-commit .hg/patches/patch
    hg qdelete patch
  1. Or without MQ:
    hg diff > patch
    hg update -C .

Then import the patch later…